Adult Services

Reading to Go Homebound Delivery Service

The Baldwinsville Public Library will be delivering books, DVDs, and CDs straight to a person’s home, once a month.

This service is provided for Baldwinsville School District patrons who cannot get to the library due to a temporary or permanent difficulties leaving their homes.

To apply, call the library at 315-635-5631 or email and ask for an application for Reading to Go Homebound Delivery. We can fill out the interest form over the phone or it can be dropped off.

Erie Canal Lectures

Join experts from the Erie Canal Museum while they entertain us with detailed information about our local historical landmark. The lectures are hybrid; join in person or online. Registration is required to get the link. Go to our library calendar to register.

All lectures start at 6:30PM.Erie Canal Museum

February 11 – No Place Like Home: The Weighlock Building
March 11 – Genesee Valley Canal



Finding Them – Genealogy Series

Join Kate Kisselstein for lectures about searching for your ancestors. Each month Kate will reveal hints and tips for finding specific groupsGenealogy Lectures coming soon! of family members. Join us for hybrid sessions at 6PM in the Computer Lab at BPL.

Feb 19th – Finding Them: Exploring CNY Ancestry: OCPL’s Exclusive Databases

Puzzle and Craft Exchanges

Coming soon! We are adding board games to our exchanges! Drop off your gently used or new games with all the pieces to the library anytime.

Craft Exchange

All exchanges are on a Saturday from 1PM to 3PM. On the day of the exchange, you can browse for things you could use. You can also donate gently used items but you don’t have to donate anything to come and take something. It’s all free. The Puzzle Exchange is for jigsaw puzzles of all shapes and sizes.



  • February 15th – Puzzle Exchange
  • April 12th – Craft Exchange

Brown Bag Book Club

Our next meeting will be on  Wednesday, January 29, 2024 at 11:30AM.

“From one of America’s iconic writers, a stunning book of electric honesty and passion. Joan Didion explores an intensely personal yet universal experience: a portrait of a marriage–and a life, in good times and bad–that will speak to anyone who has ever loved a husband or wife or child.” (GoodReads)

This is a hybrid book club. Participants can join in on Zoom or in person. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Register on our library calendar or call the library at 315-635-5631. Extra help connecting and participating is available.



Evening Book Club

Join community members in an evening to discuss this month’s book:

The Women by Kristin Hannah

Our next meeting will be on  Thursday, January 30th at 6:00PM.

The Women is the story of one woman gone to war, but it shines a light on all women who put themselves in harm’s way and whose sacrifice and commitment to their country has too often been forgotten. A novel about deep friendships and bold patriotism, The Women is a richly drawn story with a memorable heroine whose idealism and courage under fire will come to define an era.” (GoodReads)

Let us know if you have to cancel or have any questions by contacting the library at 315-635-5631 or emailing at

Crafting Options

Evening Knitting Club

Thursdays at 6:30PM 

Join others who knit and crochet for in person comradery while working on your latest project. This group was created for the working person who can’t come in during the day. If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet, supplies and a teacher is available.


Quilting / Knitting with Friends at BPL

Join other crafters and quilters for day long creating twice a month. Bring your work in progress and all your tools and we’ll make room for you! Beginners are welcome! See library calendar for dates and times.


The White Branch Library in Syracuse has a Knit Together Virtually program that meets weekly on Zoom to talk and knit or crochet. Sign up to get the link.


Beginner Sourdough Starter Class Handouts

Below are the handouts from the Beginner Sourdough Starter Class. They are all in .pdf format and should be readable by most devices.


Writing Classes

Every year, BPL puts together writing programs to encourage people to express themselves. This year, we have a great teacher, Linda Loomis from SUNY Oswego, who will be offering amazing classes. Registration is required for these in-person classes.

Poetry Month : Read and Write Poetry for National Poetry Month – in APRIL 2025

Let’s gather for three weeks with Linda Loomis, facilitator, to read some classic and some contemporary poems. In each session we shall also have time to write our own poetry.

Please register on our Library Calendar.

Red Cross Blood Drive at the Library!     

It takes only an hour to an hour and a half.

Thursday, March 27th, 12-5PM  in the Community Room

Below are the directions for making an appointment.
  1. Go to
  2. Under the menu Donate Blood and How to Donate column, and choose Find a Blood Drive.
  3. In the search box on the left, type in 13027.
  4. Click on See Times.
  5. Create an account with an email, birthdate, donor ID (if you have one), name, zip code, and choose a username, and password.
  6. You will be sent a confirmation email.
  7. Next, download the Red Cross app to keep track of your donations.
  8. Check in on the Red Cross app or check in when you arrive.

Full Calendar of Events

Click this link to view our calendar of upcoming programs. You can search by keyword and browse through future months. A picture of a hand with a pen indicates that this program requires pre-registration. To register, click the hand and a registration page will pop up.

Event Emails

You can also send an email to In the message tell us your name and if you want to receive messages once a week, once a month or both.